Overview of Kroosty.com
Kroosty.com was first analyzed by us on Jun 24, 2013.
We can see that the website is OFFLINE.
It currently ranks #1,724,355 in the world according to Alexa.
The lower the Alexa Rank, the better and this is in our opinion a good starting rank.
It is most popular in where it currently ranks #-1.
The website has an okay Google PageRank of 3.
Name: |
Kroosty |
Website URL: |
www.kroosty.com |
Page Rank: |
Alexa Rank: |
Website Speed: |
0 seconds |
Language: |
French |
IP Address: |
Back Links (Alexa) |
378 |
Popular Keywords: |
Recette, Cuisine, Avec, Facile, Pour, Sur, Rapide
Websites Like Kroosty.com
Website Owner Information
We have extracted information from different sources about the ownership of kroosty.com.
Owner: |
Xintertop |
Phone: |
122000761 |
Address: |
PO Box 4528, Los Angeles, CA, 90051, US |
Social Statistics
Facebook Stats |
Likes: |
0 |
Shares: |
0 |
Clicks: |
0 |
Comments: |
0 |
Website's On-page Analysis
We did not crawl this website full for on-page analysis. Please use the refresh button above to update this record.
HTML Tag Elements |
Paragraph: |
0 |
Strong: |
0 |
Tables: |
0 |
Lists: |
0 |
Total Images: |
0 |
Missing Alt: |
0 |
Internal Links: |
0 |
External Links: |
0 |
Forms: |
0 |
Fields: |
0 |
Page Headings |
H1 Tags: |
0 |
H2 Tags: |
0 |
H3 Tags: |
0 |
H4 Tags: |
0 |
H5 Tags: |
0 |
H6 Tags: |
0 |
Includes |
Iframe: |
0 |
Flash: |
0 |
CSS: |
0 |
Scripts: |
0 |
Page Statistics |
File Size: |
KB |
Word Count: |
0 |
Charset: |
Doctype: |
No |
Viewport: |
No |
Google Analytics: |
No |
Webmaster Tools: |
No |
Bing Webmaster Tools: |
No |
Meta elements are HTML elements used to provide structured metadata about a Web page.
We have listed below the meta elements we have extracted from kroosty.com.
Name |
Contents |
Title Tag: |
cuisine recette |
Description Tag: |
cuisine recette kroosty.com |
Keywords Tag: |
cuisine recette, recette de cuisine, recette cuisine, recette de cuisine de, recette de cuisine pour, recette de cuisine facile, recette de cuisine avec, recette cuisine facile, recette de cuisine du, recette de cuisine gratuite, de recette de cuisine, recette de cuisine en, recette de cuisine simple, recette de cuisine rapide, recette de cuisine a, recette cuisine de, recette cuisine rapide, recette cuisine pour, recette cuisine poulet, recette de cuisine sur, recette cuisine avec, recette de c |
Traffic Report
Alexa Global Rank: |
Compete: |
Quantcast: |
Keyword Analysis
We have attempted to list all keywords that have been repeated more than once and are topic related.
# |
Keyword |
Repeated |
1 | recette | 229 |
2 | cuisine | 227 |
3 | avec | 14 |
4 | facile | 12 |
5 | pour | 10 |
6 | sur | 7 |
7 | rapide | 6 |
8 | pain | 2 |
9 | roti | 2 |
10 | gratin | 2 |
11 | base | 2 |
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