Overview of Fdv.uni-lj.si
Fdv.uni-lj.si was first analyzed by us on Aug 02, 2013.
We can see that the website is ONLINE.
The website has a very good Google PageRank of 7.
The IP address of the server fdv.uni-lj.si is hosted on is
and is based in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Websites Like Fdv.uni-lj.si
Social Links
We found the following social networking profiles for fdv.uni-lj.si and listed them below.
Social Statistics
Facebook Stats |
Likes: |
124 |
Shares: |
77 |
Clicks: |
1 |
Comments: |
138 |
Website's On-page Analysis
HTML Tag Elements |
Paragraph: |
40 |
Strong: |
0 |
Tables: |
0 |
Lists: |
37 |
Total Images: |
40 |
Missing Alt: |
20 |
Internal Links: |
190 |
External Links: |
33 |
Forms: |
1 |
Fields: |
14 |
Page Headings |
H1 Tags: |
0 |
H2 Tags: |
5 |
H3 Tags: |
14 |
H4 Tags: |
0 |
H5 Tags: |
0 |
H6 Tags: |
0 |
Includes |
Iframe: |
0 |
Flash: |
0 |
CSS: |
4 |
Scripts: |
10 |
Page Statistics |
File Size: |
62.35 KB |
Word Count: |
1164 |
Charset: |
UTF-8 |
Doctype: |
Yes |
Viewport: |
No |
Google Analytics: |
No |
Webmaster Tools: |
No |
Bing Webmaster Tools: |
No |
Meta elements are HTML elements used to provide structured metadata about a Web page.
We have listed below the meta elements we have extracted from fdv.uni-lj.si.
Name |
Contents |
Title Tag: |
Fakulteta za družbene vede |
Keywords Tag: |
univerza, fakulteta, pedagog, študent, študij, raziskovanje, predmeti |
og:title |
Fakulteta za družbene vede |
og:description |
Fakulteta za družbene vede (FDV), članica Univerze v Ljubljani, je največja interdisciplinarna družboslovna fakulteta v Sloveniji in tudi med večjimi v Evropi. Ustanovljena je bila leta 1961 kot Visoka šola za politične vede, ki se je v nekaj letih razvila v Visoko šolo za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo. Leta 1970 se je ob vključitvi v Univerzo v Ljubljani preimenovala v Fakulteto za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo (FSPN). Sedanje ime je Fakulteta za družbene vede dobila l |
og:url |
http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si |
og:image |
http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/App_Themes/Fdv/TemplateImages/fdv-logo2.png |
fb:app_id |
345691185554060 |
og:type |
website |
Generator |
Sitefinity 6.0.4210.0 SE |
Web Server Location
IP Address: | |
Location: |
Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Timezone: |
+02:00 |
Traffic Report
Alexa Global Rank: |
Compete: |
Quantcast: |
Website WOT Rating
WOT is a website reputation system that identifies trustworthy websites and protects against online scams, untrustworthy links, and unreliable web stores.
Reputation ratings are based on real user ratings and they tell you how much other users trust this site.
Description |
Score |
Confidence |
Trustworthiness: |
68/100 - Good |
6/100 - |
Vendor Reliability: |
91/100 - Excellent |
17/100 - Very Low |
Privacy: |
90/100 - Excellent |
17/100 - Very Low |
Child Safety: |
90/100 - Excellent |
13/100 - Very Low |
Keyword Analysis
We have attempted to list all keywords that have been repeated more than once and are topic related.
# |
Keyword |
Repeated |
Density |
1 | fdv | 24 | 2.06% |
2 | center | 22 | 1.89% |
3 | študij | 13 | 1.12% |
4 | fakulteta | 12 | 1.03% |
5 | vede | 11 | 0.95% |
6 | obvestila | 10 | 0.86% |
7 | knjiga | 9 | 0.77% |
8 | raziskovanje | 8 | 0.69% |
9 | univerza | 6 | 0.52% |
10 | predmeti | 5 | 0.43% |
11 | sociologijo | 2 | 0.17% |
12 | raziskovalni | 2 | 0.17% |
13 | preučevanje | 2 | 0.17% |
14 | javna | 2 | 0.17% |
15 | maj | 2 | 0.17% |
16 | oddelek | 2 | 0.17% |
17 | študije | 2 | 0.17% |
18 | cena | 2 | 0.17% |
19 | družbene | 2 | 0.17% |
20 | katedra | 2 | 0.17% |
Website's HTTP Request
Name |
Content |
Cache-Control | no-cache, no-store |
Pragma | no-cache |
Content-Type | text/html; charset=utf-8 |
Expires | -1 |
Server | Microsoft-IIS/7.5 |
X-AspNet-Version | 4.0.30319 |
X-Powered-By | ASP.NET |
Date | Thu, 05 Sep 2013 05 |
Content-Length | 64183 |
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